We also use the English word in our German-language version of this website. You could call it Germlish if you wanted!
Using the English for warehousing is an image-building measure because it sounds a lot better than the German word ‘Lagerei’.
We offer the following in the sense of a multi-user warehouse:
- rapid area and/or storage space availability,
- perfect transparency thanks to GRIESHABER storage location management, and
- the simplest possible order processing.
The GRIESHABER Logistik GmbH offers you professional warehouse solutions with standardised areas and spaces in the following warehouse types:
- small parts warehouse,
- pallet rack warehouse,
- narrow-aisle rack warehouse,
- customs warehouse,
- heavy goods warehouse with cranes,
- officially approved and temperature-controlled storage capacities,
- uncovered open-air storage areas, and
- covered open-air storage areas.
Mr Kopf is available to provide rapid answers to your enquiries.