The environment

The aim of the GRIESHABER Logistik GmbH is for its value-creation activities to expose the environment to no burdens. We therefore take environmental compatibility into account for new sites and logistics projects early on in development.

Our service, supply and disposal processes, as well as the products used, are regularly and methodically assessed for their environmental effects.

The prevention of emissions is our top priority. We therefore exploit advanced technologies, particularly for the vehicle fleet, to ensure environmentally friendly waste and waste water disposal, the treatment of exhaust gases, the reduction of waste, and noise reduction.

Exposure to pollutants and noise at workplaces is regularly tested by the works medical officer. GRIESHABER Logistik GmbH also obliges its suppliers to achieve environmentally friendly and resource-conserving production and delivery – with the aim of not having an unsustainable negative impact on the environment through our activities. We also work closely with authorities and public bodies regarding environmental protection.

Environmental vehicle fleet measures

  • We only use vehicles that are classified as low-emission.
  • Continuous analyses of emission classes with consequent management.
  • Use of tyres with higher running performance and up to 30 per cent lower fuel consumption.
  • Targeted use of semi-trailers and swap bodies.
  • Behaviour-Based Safety – intensive training measures for our drivers.

Environmental facility management measures

  • Continuous measurement and determination of electricity, water, gas and oil consumption, as well as derivation of consequences and proactive measures.

Environmental waste-sorting measures

  • Framework contract with specialist disposal company and the aim of ensuring a high recycling rate.
  • Separation and consolidation of reusable waste units/fractions.

Environmental office measures

  • Usually Double-sided copying and printing.
  • Paper only from FSC-certified cultivation.
  • Use of e-learning elements to reduce travelling requirements.

Environmental illumination measures

  • Consistent transition to LEDs (see also Audit Report acc. to DIN EN 16247).

Responsible for environmental management:

Gregor Schnell


Tel.: +49 751 5001-0
Fax: +49 751 5001-50

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Arnold Zimmermann

Manager of Managementsystems, QMB, UMS, Sustainability

Tel.: +49 751 5001-130
Fax: +49 751 5001-9130

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proactive. pioneering. purposeful.